Since 1980 PRIDE Inc. has provided tailored, self-directed supports to hundreds of individuals with disabilities so that they could fully participate in the benefits and responsibilities of their chosen community. 

Our Mission

PRIDE, Inc. believes that each individual we serve is entitled to the dignity and self-respect afforded every individual living in the community.

Our goal is to assist each consumer in realizing their full potential.

On Community Inclusion: “What part of “all” don’t you understand?”
— Heather Simmons, Advocate


Independent Living Service

ILS (Independent Living Service) is our signature service model. We provide support for individuals with intellectual disabilities so that they may live in homes of their own and maintain the character and control over their living environment. Intellectual disabilities are defined as mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and/or autism. PRIDE, Inc. seeks to serve anyone interested in living a fully realized and independent life in their own home.

Our services are provided by referral from the San Diego Regional Center, and include support in such areas as home maintenance, bill payment, budget management, medication management, community access, appointment scheduling, socialization, and transportation.

Services are provided on an hourly bases as determined necessary by the inter-disciplinary team which includes the client and their proxies, SDRC, and PRIDE ILS.

For more information contact PRIDE ILS or your Service Coordinator at San Diego Regional Center.

Supported Living Service

SLS (Supported Living Service) is appropriate for individuals requiring a higher level of assistance and is also provided by referral from the San Diego Regional Center. Instructors from PRIDE, Inc. provide in home assistance to build systems and skills related to maintaining a home, paying bills, building a social network and accessing and engaging in the individuals community. Supported living services are usually provided amongst a cadre of support service so that a person with extraordinary need and an intellectual disability will be able to live on their own and develop skills to gain independence in their living arrangement.

For more information contact PRIDE SLS or your Service Coordinator at San Diego Regional Center.